Ford or Chevy?
There are many people in this world, and they all have opinions on which is the best. We, at Palmetto Bus Sales, are no different. But, we also know, that in business, it is best to keep our opinions to ourself. That is why we proudly carry Starcraft Buses.
The people at Starcraft know that building their quality buses on just one engine and chassis manufacturer would be a mistake. They know that some people are die hard Chevy people, and some are Ford people to the grave. That is why they give us a choice. Isn't that what America is about, choice?
We can vote Republican or Democrat. We can pull for Clemson or South Carolina. And, we can drive Ford or Chevy. At the end of the day, we have that choice because of the great country that we live in. And with great pricing from both Chevrolet and Ford, that choice will never hamper your choice of buying the best bus in the country. So, whether you are a Ford man, or a Chevy man, you can always trust that Palmetto Bus Sales will always have the right bus, for you.